Children of All Saints Preschool are provided space both indoors and outdoors for discovery and exploration. The program is based on The Creative Curriculum, which focuses on social/emotional development, physical, cognitive, language, and literacy skills.
Emphasis is placed on Music & Movement and PE, along with daily Outdoor Activities for healthy motor development. Science activities promote curiosity and discovery. Language & Literacy growth takes place through stories, books, and words. Early Math concepts are experienced through the process of counting, sorting, matching, and discovering patterns. Finally, the Social Studies program focuses on various cultures and traditions. Our three and four-year-old classes have weekly lessons in Spanish.
Partnership with Parents
Parents are the first and most important teachers. Our goal is to work together with the family to encourage each child to become a successful member of a social group and to thrive in an environment where each student is challenged to reach his or her highest potential.
Communication is key in forming a strong partnership between home and school. On a weekly basis, teachers send class updates via email and send home children’s art and schoolwork. The school sends a weekly newsletter to keep you up to date on important school news and dates. Twice a year, parents are invited to attend individual conferences to discuss their child’s development and growth. Additionally, the Director is always available to meet with parents.